Yesterday I enjoyed watching 4 HD Football games with Voom and my trusty OTA. Who needs Direct?? I got the Colts game in HD, Giants game in HD (Go G Men!), and the Dallas Game in HD. That was all during the day, then I got the ESPN HD game last night. A friend of mine dropped $300 on the NFL Ticket because he said he'd rather watch more football than get Voom and watch HD with nothing on. Sucker! I called him and we were watching the same games, except mine were free
Sure I would have liked to see the Jets game but in my mind it's not worth a few hundred dollars to see one extra game a week. Two weeks through football season and all games shown OTA in South Florida on CBS and Fox were in HD except one last week. Not bad.....

Sure I would have liked to see the Jets game but in my mind it's not worth a few hundred dollars to see one extra game a week. Two weeks through football season and all games shown OTA in South Florida on CBS and Fox were in HD except one last week. Not bad.....