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Who to turn to? Dish??? | SatelliteGuys.US

Who to turn to? Dish???


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 9, 2004
Hi- I love VOOM and my wife and I are deeply saddened by its passing. And we just got BBCAmerica! No more Benny Hill! :(

We've been Voomers since the day they started offering the boxes for lease and one of the reason we got it was becasue we just bought an HDTV and Direct's sat was out of range in our yard due to trees and such. Voom was perfect for us! Now with VOOM abandoning us, we're looking at other options and cable is pathetic in my area. I know there are a lot of folks here who know sat positions and angles and horizons and all that, so a simple question to those folks- if I can hit the Voom sat from my area (zipcode 02048) and I can't hit the Direct sat, what about DISH? The direct folks charged me $50 for a service call to tell me they couldn't get LOS...not interested in paying that again for DISH if it's not meant to be. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks! -Dan
We're Netflix charter members- still get the 4 at a time for $17.99, so we'll probably use that a lot more. Might have to buy that Zenith 318 DVD player that upconverts to 1080 over component just to keep my HD appetite partially satisfied.......
My system is on hold until HD-DVDs come out and a new service with lots of commercial-free HDTV comes out. I will not settle for HD-lite from anyone.
Going to 5 at a time on Netflix here too, Dish SD SUCKS!!! Might think about getting cable, $10/month for HD/DVR receiver, but only ESPNHD, TNTHD, SHOWTIMEHD, HBOHD, CBSHD, and FoxHD available right now :(
Go with your pathetic cable service until D* comes out with their new HD systems and programming this summer with some kind of special offer. Remember, it's mostly HD locals they will be adding to start but it sure beats the lousy picture on E* and to think, before Voom, I thought E*'s picture was great.
I was a Dish subscriber but canx two weeks ago (stupid should of left it idle) anyway I called to find out how I go about getting back with them.. I have been with the company for three years. They told me the only way to get back is to "purchase my own receivers" I said so I have been with you guys for three years and have been disconnected for less than a month and you are treating me like this? "Yes Sir, that is all I can do". I said what if I wanted to lease the DVR 942 and the answer was still no. Well I am done with them.. :mad: :mad: I called Direct but I am not sure if I want to go with them.. I have the Voom OTA maybe I will just stick with that until something new happens..
I went with Dish and their 811 HD receiver. I don't really need the DVR at this point. Got a pretty good deal, better than DirecTV. Voom was my first provider ever. So right now, I don't even want to think about whether the SD PQ will be better on Dish or DirecTV, because I know neither of them will be as good as Voom's. I just wanted a good deal for now.

dkag7 said:
I had Dish and there SD quality was horrible. Netflix for me.

I wasn't that impressed with SD PQ on D* or V*. It's overcompressed garbage all round, don't you think?

And as far as finding a stop-gap until all those HD promises made by everyone actually materialize...its either digital cable or E*, depending on your locality, that offers the same 'no money up front' value as V*.
Arlo_gut said:
I was a Dish subscriber but canx two weeks ago (stupid should of left it idle) anyway I called to find out how I go about getting back with them.. I have been with the company for three years. They told me the only way to get back is to "purchase my own receivers" I said so I have been with you guys for three years and have been disconnected for less than a month and you are treating me like this? "Yes Sir, that is all I can do". I said what if I wanted to lease the DVR 942 and the answer was still no. Well I am done with them.. :mad: :mad: I called Direct but I am not sure if I want to go with them.. I have the Voom OTA maybe I will just stick with that until something new happens..

Did you ask for the customer retention dept? They are supervisors that can make better deals. I got them to hook me up with an 811HD, 510 PVR for lease and a gimme 301. Also hooking up my old 3800 for the kids room for no upfront cost. Did have to make a 12 mo commitment. Getting Hd pack for 12 mo for 1/2 price. I did have my acct on hold but I bet you could get a similar deal if you ask the right person. Also, helps if you bring up going to cable, they hate to hear that.
Back With Dish


After me basically kissing some serious Butt I got back with Dish.. I got all equipt. for no cost but had to commit to a 2 year with them. Received 4 rooms all with DVR and got there 180 programming with HBO & Cinimax for 3 months for the price of the 60 channel system. I am hoping that Voom will forget about my antenna and then I can use it for locals.

I would be really surprised if Voom makes an effort to reclaim anything other than the Set Top Boxes. For the STB they could simply send you some boxes and mailing labels. For the dish, the antenna, etc. they would definitely have to pay for a service call. If it is an upgraded antenna then it would have to be packed and shipped and what the heck would they do with them. It is even questionable if they will attempt to reclain the leased STB's.

Voom Deathbed Reflections

Why didn't VOOM have a shutdown plan in place??

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