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VOOM is moving along despite those who said that it was doomed... | SatelliteGuys.US

VOOM is moving along despite those who said that it was doomed...

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
Last night I was told that VOOM has created a new center in Texas. That was like two or three weeks ago. The new center deals only with sells and do not do any technical support. So there are two centers now. One in WA and the other in Texas. Also, heard that between the two, they were doing approximately 240 sells per day. Nothing overwhelming here but VOOM has promised to go into a big add campaign starting this week. They have told all CSRs that it will be good if they can report on days that they are not even schedule to work.
i have a feeling that April 1st will be the tipping point, where Voom is REALLY launched..collecting $$ from subs,large add campaign, more channel ads..i want to wait untill april 2-3-4 before knocking VOOM..there has been a huge improvement so let's wait another week
Sean Mota said:
Last night I was told that VOOM has created a new center in Texas. That was like two or three weeks ago. The new center deals only with sells and do not do any technical support. So there are two centers now. One in WA and the other in Texas. Also, heard that between the two, they were doing approximately 240 sells per day. Nothing overwhelming here but VOOM has promised to go into a big add campaign starting this week. They have told all CSRs that it will be good if they can report on days that they are not even schedule to work.

I hope they do succeed, it would be nice to see Dish and DIRECTV have some competition, but it will take about 10 times the number of sells, 2400+/day to succeed.
I took this post off of a different forum that I peruse each day....the TIVO HD PVR forum.

The writer of the post...pasted in below is a "heavy hitter" with over 7500 posts on that site....the thread that he is writing about is the possibility of VOOM making an "imprint" on the HD world.

Kind of "forcing" D and E to add more HD....cuz VOOM is coming on strong according to one writer....but then he ended his post by saying that even if VOOM fails...some one will "buy" them. Grin.

Here is the withheld....


Why would DTV want a bunch of themed HDnet-like wannabe channels?

What exactly is really out there in HD that might be worth carrying right now that DirecTV doesn't already have?

* Showtime HD East
Showtime HD West
* HDNet
* HDNet Movies
The Movie Channel HD
Starz! HD East
Starz! HD West
* Discovery HD Theater
Cinemax HDTV East
Cinemax HDTV West
MSG Network HDTV
Fox Sports Net HDTV
Bravo HD+
* Spice HD


The History Channel HD
* FOX HD East
* FOX HD West

* Now carried by DirecTV (or announced)

HBO HD and Showtime HD can't even manage anything close to 24-hour HD broadcasting, resorting to upconverts a substantial amount of the time.

Are Cinemax, Starz and The Movie Channel any different? Of them all, I'd like to see Starz HD; it seems it has the possibility to offer the most additional content to the mix of existing channels. Does it live up to that possibility? I dunno. Will it eventually? I'd think so.

Of channels that don't exist, there could be some interest in a Sundance HD channel, perhaps a Science Fiction HD channel, maybe even a TVLand HD channel.

What would be cool? A public access HD channel.

What is inevitable that is going to make us all collectively groan? An HD shopping channel.

Right now I think the majority of what we don't have is just "more of the same" of what we do have and while sure it'd be nice to have a little more, I think we'd be left wanting if we got what's available now.

This is a time of transition; now we need programmers to catch up a bit and actually offer more HD.

Now Voom...

"Voom HDTV Exclusives: 21 amazing channels!"

OK, where? Only 12 are listed:

Rave HD
Rush HD
Ultra HD
Monsters HD
Epics HD
Treasure HD
Gallery HD
Animania HD
HD Cinema 10

Yeah, HD Cinema 10 is 10 channels rounding out the list to 21, but 10 channels of what? 10 channels of 10 movies in total, it seems -- and that wouldn't even fill a single channel over 24 hours without repeats. Let's look at the schedule today: here's when the movies that are showing were made: 1984, 1988, 1984, 1980, 1973. 1975, 1964, 1953. 1973, and 1970.

A whole 10 movies, the newest of which is 16 years old.

What about the other "exclusive" channels? From the names you can't even tell what some of them are even about!

East and West coast feeds... OK, when you've got nothing else to fill the bandwidth with, but it's not like that brings us any new content... just more not-even-24-hours-a-day-of-HD repeats.

The only thing many of these existing-but-not-widely-carried HD channels are doing is staking out claim to bandwidth on carriers. Hoping they'll get picked up and not leave room for their competitors, because it's a whole lot harder to take a channel away once you're carrying it than it is to just not carry it at all yet.

I think DirecTV is playing it smart -- waiting to see what channels come about that actually have some new, varied content that would be noticable to people and something people actually would want to watch. Something that supplements their current offerings, not just is another variation on the same old stuff.

When I called VOOM on March 4 to schedule my install I was connected to the center in San Antonio. They had been having a terrible windstorm and their computer and phone systems were virtually inoperable. Towards the end of a long and painful call I was inadvertently cut off. After waiting 20 minutes or so and not hearing from the CSR, I called back and was connected to the Washington State center. After telling the Washington CSR that I was just in the started the sign up with San Antonio, she made a long pause and finally responded, "We don't have a Texas center. Are you sure that you called VOOM?" I laughed and reassured her that they must have a Texas center because I had a new customer ID number and that she had in her computer my specific information required to activate the new account.

My signup day must have been one of the first days Texas was open. This thread explains my initial strange introduction to VOOM's service.
grumpy1 said:
When I called VOOM on March 4 to schedule my install I was connected to the center in San Antonio.

Hmm ... interesting. I wonder who is handling the call center. I worked for a number of call centers when I lived in San Antonio. Most companies outsource call centers because of the expense involved in WATTS lines, terminals, reps, servers, etc.

that posting has some truth in it but not everything. If D* or E* are waiting for 24/7 HD channels, I would hate to be stuck with D* or E* since no one (and I mean not even one single channel) has come out with a 24/7 HD programming (without repeats). HD production is expensive and requires expertise as well and so you see the slow evolution of HD channels. So who comes close to give us 24/7 HD programming?. I can tell you that HBO and Cinemax probably has the most HD movies transfered so far. HDnet as good as it looks and as smart as Mark Cuban is, has not been able to produce a 24/7 programming channel without repeats. The same as Discovery. Here comes my main point.

I refuse to wait until D* or E* feel necessary that they know what is good programming and who has the most and who has not. D* and E* will add HD channels today if they had the bandwith and if they could negotiate contracts. Look at what they have in their lineup. Maybe E* or D* should consider dropping those miserable HD channels as well because of their lack of 24/7 programming.

Here's where VOOM is different. By bringing all these HD channels into a single provider, now you have 24/7 HD programming! Yes, it took a bunch of channels but choice is important to some of us and I am sure that a lot of the naysayer will say the same.

It is quite annoying when some one talks about the HD content of the Voom propietary channels. Since Voom started, all they have done is to add more HD content. But it looks like it does not matter whether VOOM keeps adding HD content, the naysayer will keep finding fault at VOOM's programming. I will become a naysayer too when VOOM stops adding HD content, but that has not been the case. They are in constant persuade of bringing HD content. It is not only the production part of it but also the purchase of licenses and rights. Those Cinema 10 movies (as old as they are) someone in Hollywood (or the production company) is collecting $$$ on it. Yes, they are old and they your B-Type movies and yes I like to have them because they are not in the premium HD movie channels. Again choice. I have the choice and I can make that choice with ease (just use my remote). With D* or E*, it looks like the choice is not there and this is why VOOM has to be better when it comes to HD content.
<<<D* and E* will add HD channels today if they had the bandwith and if they could negotiate contracts>>>

There will be a 7S satellite launch on MAY 2nd....for D. Bandwith will be there.

Compelling content needs to come next.

A HD DVR will be me.....on March 29th...just announced on the TIVO forum from Value Electronics...the first firm to take pre orders and actually be able to fulfill them.

I watched my Florida Marlins lose to the New York Mets yesterday<g> and am now watching my choice of Fair and Balanced news...FOX.

I could probably NEVER do that on VOOM......and that is why I will never miss them.

For those of you that are happy with the "fringe" HD of MOOV....and models walking down a stage with nipples peaking through....or with watching Monster movies made 40 years ago.....I am happy FOR YOU....but your choice of content is not mine and that is why the VOOM service was not for me.

I don't think I ever wasted one minute....over the past 9 years of ever wanting to read and hear about "install" events of D....and I certainly wonder why that is so important to so many of should be watching your HD set....and hopefully being able to change channels faster....another curious "hope" of most of you...heck if you had so much content...why not watch it..instead of surfing.

Gotta go now....Bill O'Reilly is due on in 12 minutes...and then Hannity and Comb' are stuck with channel 100. Grin.


Your post reflects exactly what I said. Your previous post talks about mediocre HD content in VOOM. I answered to the HD content and now you change the subject from HD content to other matters that are not new to us but have very little to do with our discussion of HD content. This is why the naysayer will never be satisfied. BTW, I was not pointing my HD content rebuttal to you in particular but to the entire subject of little HD content on VOOM.
Only 2% of DirecTV's customers have HD. Subtract from that the number of people who won't switch to Voom because Voom doesn't have ESPN, FOX, or any other number of SD channels that are important to them, those who have multiple TVs and the HW cost (or lease cost) would be probative, those who are skeptical it won't last, those who can't get it because their sat is much lower in the sky, those who think Vooms HD advantage is going to be very short-lived due to their bandwidth limitations, those who have a fear of dealing with a company owned by Cablevision, those who have brand loyalty to DirecTV, and those who simply think Voom doesn't have that much more REAL HD content than DirecTV, and you are left with a very very small percentage of DirecTV's customer base....for VOOM to attract.

I thought Voom was an interesting concept and that is why I initially subscribed, but at least a couple of the issues I mention above are big enough to me to keep me where I am, out of VOOM and back to full package subscription on D. I just don't see Voom as a real threat to DirecTV. At least not yet. By the time they have overcome many of those issues, their HD advantage could disappear.

Sean Mota said:

Your post reflects exactly what I said. Your previous post talks about mediocre HD content in VOOM. I answered to the HD content and now you change the subject from HD content to other matters that are not new to us but have very little to do with our discussion of HD content. This is why the naysayer will never be satisfied. BTW, I was not pointing my HD content rebuttal to you in particular but to the entire subject of little HD content on VOOM.
Tarmack said:
I could probably NEVER do that on VOOM......and that is why I will never miss them.

..but your choice of content is not mine and that is why the VOOM service was not for me.

obviously you cannot live without Voom because you keep coming back. By writing here and on the Yahoo board you are trying to convince yourself that you made the right choice by canceling Voom service. Keep trying because you need it and we don't. Oh yea, you are emulating Fair & Balanced Fox News. It really bothers you that there are people happy with their Voom experience. :yes
I took this post off of a different forum that I peruse each day....the TIVO HD PVR forum.

First you have to eliminate all the CBS, FOX from the list. They are available in specific markets only...and always will be. That leaves 7 HD channels or so by D* or E* Sat.

There will be a 7S satellite launch on MAY 2nd....for D. Bandwith will be there

The bandwidth will be used to further penetrate locals for those not living in the top 50 cities they now serve. Period.

Stop and think for a second what kind of bandwidth will be neccessary to carry all locals for all markets in HD that D* and E* now serve. Thats right, not gonna happen.

What you seem to not get thru your thick skull is that we want it now. Not 3 to 5 years from now.


<<What you seem to not get thru your thick skull is that we want it now. Not 3 to 5 years from now.>>>

You, with that reply and choice of words show me that you are infantile in nature.

You are a great VOOM customer.
Tarmack said:

<<What you seem to not get thru your thick skull is that we want it now. Not 3 to 5 years from now.>>>

You, with that reply and choice of words show me that you are infantile in nature.

You are a great VOOM customer.

Either that or touching a nerve.

I respect just about anyones opinion. Yours included...but in your case it's awfully one sided which gets really old to read over and over and over and over again.

I really tried to bite my tongue when I responded before. I really did.

Lord, what is it today. Tarkack, Sean, etc; all coming out of the woodwork to get all upset about things. *sigh* I've used my ignore list for the first time ever today.

<<I really tried to bite my tongue when I responded before. I really did>>

Well, if you are in a biting mood...I have a different target for you.

Bite it.

I love your Avatar....your entertainment.

Mr. Biggles said:
Either that or touching a nerve.

I respect just about anyones opinion. Yours included...but in your case it's awfully one sided which gets really old to read over and over and over and over again.

I really tried to bite my tongue when I responded before. I really did.

Tarmack said:

Well, if you are in a biting mood...I have a different target for you.

Bite it.

I love your Avatar....your entertainment.

Maybe I deserve that comment...maybe not. It's debatable.

You like my avatar? Me to.

Anyway, back to Topic. Here is what to expect in coming days:

(1) a new software upgrade --- everybody will eventually get it.
(2) Encore-HD added to VOOM's line up.
(3) Playboy-HD added to VOOM's line up. Do not put your hope on this one. It may be a PPV or pay per block hours.

(4) I woud assume that the PPV-HD channels are near waiting
(5) ESPN-HD -- Hopefully in the near horizon.
(6) with the addition of these new HD channels a total of 5 (ESPN + Playboy + Encore + 2 PPV), theres not much bandwith left. So the next move will be to move to MPEG-4.

(7) TNT-HD will be debuting in May and we can only assume that VOOM has this one pocketed since they had recent negotiations with TW. Also, the AMC dispute between the two was settled (I believe). So this gives more hope.

(8)HD content in VOOM's 21 Exclusive will improve. We see that they have added two new cartoon series. More movies for Cinema 10 is coming.

(9) Soccer season will be over in Late May so WorldSport better start preparing other sports events. Hopefully, the Soccer contract is for a few years and not just this year. I can only assume that since much investment was done in this, it will be for a few years.
VOOM outsources all it call ceters to convergys. They have been using them from day 1. The same company DirecTV uses and the same company Comcast uses.
I expect once the beginning set-up and growing pains are finished convergys will transition the centers to the India locations. The cost to move out of the States is from 35-40% savings. Convergys is the best at outsourcing call center.

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