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Why is Dish shutting down the 721? | Page 22 | SatelliteGuys.US

Why is Dish shutting down the 721?

right so now u agree for what i been saying all along , it started cause of tivo, so bottom line is if was not for tv theyed be up and usable.

No, go read what I wrote again. Without the TiVo lawsuit the 721 probably would have been shut down SOONER (like 2 years ago).

they could of use them for mpeg3 if they wanted too
What the hell is MPEG3 and how does it relate to satellite TV and/or Dish Network?
No, go read what I wrote again. Without the TiVo lawsuit the 721 probably would have been shut down SOONER (like 2 years ago).

What the hell is MPEG3 and how does it relate to satellite TV and/or Dish Network?
sorry i said that wrong , mpeg3 or mpeg4 is satalite term , your vip recivers uses mpeg4 tecnology recivers like 522 622 is mpeg3 and older 1s are mpeg2
No, go read what I wrote again. Without the TiVo lawsuit the 721 probably would have been shut down SOONER (like 2 years ago). i still disagree cause of other recivers/ dvrs that were older and yes the 7100 / 7200 they did have contract with microsft which expired they kept them on for while then shut them down, shut them all down aproxmatly same time as 721/921
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The code base for each of those receivers is different. They'd have to write modified code for each model. Not worth the expense. Dish is trying to get to one code base, with as few variations as possible.

The 721 was unreliable. Seven of them wound their way thru my home over the years. But great when it worked. Few were ever sold. It was in the cards from early on that the 721 was a money loser for them that needed to go away.

The "622" is NOT "mpeg3."
The code base for each of those receivers is different. They'd have to write modified code for each model. Not worth the expense. Dish is trying to get to one code base, with as few variations as possible.

The 721 was unreliable. Seven of them wound their way thru my home over the years. But great when it worked. Few were ever sold. It was in the cards from early on that the 721 was a money loser for them that needed to go away.

The "622" is NOT "mpeg3."
well, i belive and think what i do pesonaly i know lots peeps with these recivers, i had 4 721s and 1 942 and 2 921s.. Im not going to arugue this no more ,everyone has there own opion, me personaly, you know mine now.. and heck i could be wrong on the 622 i forget all models maybe 625 god no ones perfect.. still dish went way wrong with this.. I even reember there own tecks telling me defrent things, why there being no longer used, defrent answeres, 1 or 2 even said they may loose hd for 921 and both 921 and 721s may loose recoedings but they be usable like a old 2800 and this did not happen...
The "techs" generally don't know more than what corporate tells them, much like the CSRs.

Corporate won't give a reason, so it's all speculation. But info like the number of units and the different code bases make that more than just wild guesses.

Look at which receivers have been shut down, when they were shutdown, which ones weren't, and what else was going on.

j8, your right, they could continue to use them if they wanted. They could have stayed on the old encryption too. New encryption is because the old system was comprised. I believe the business decision was made to stop supporting them based on the cost of wiring the new code v/s the cost of replacing the units. I'm sure there were many factors, but that was the main one, not the TiVo suit.
just wondering, when did you call ? Did they replace it for you ? With what and is it owened > thanks in advance..
I don't want to get into the details, since this is a public forum, and the deal I was offered was considerably better than anything that was posted by anyone else in this thread.

The arrangements were all made in the last two weeks, though.

If anyone really, really wants to know, send me a PM.

The "techs" generally don't know more than what corporate tells them, much like the CSRs.

Corporate won't give a reason, so it's all speculation. But info like the number of units and the different code bases make that more than just wild guesses.

Look at which receivers have been shut down, when they were shutdown, which ones weren't, and what else was going on.

j8, your right, they could continue to use them if they wanted. They could have stayed on the old encryption too. New encryption is because the old system was comprised. I believe the business decision was made to stop supporting them based on the cost of wiring the new code v/s the cost of replacing the units. I'm sure there were many factors, but that was the main one, not the TiVo suit.
I will agree on cost my frend was a dish installer for yrs not contracted he worked in corpert [ spelling sorry ] He did say he replace alot of 921 721s and even 942s, he even felt though three was more than enough out there for dish to suport, his/ my opoion .. and 1 more thing yes your right and from experence talking to dish techs, [ The "techs" generally don't know more than what corporate tells them, much like the CSRs.] For example, when brother got or switched to hd recently i first called and asked for him what there offering.. I got 1 answer, then he called, lol another answer , by the time we were done, we had total 4 deffrent answers by time we were done.. OUr question never changed
I don't want to get into the details, since this is a public forum, and the deal I was offered was considerably better than anything that was posted by anyone else in this thread.

The arrangements were all made in the last two weeks, though.

If anyone really, really wants to know, send me a PM.

Good im happy see some one making out.. just 2 add my brother had 1 721 he just got a 525 i think when he called he called like 2 weeks ago.. and they swaped it and he ownes it.. I was very surprised they did it ..

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