Got letter yesterday, called this morning. My 722 is owned. The 522 will be leased (no charge) and the DVR fee will be waived. Guess only time will tell if the info given by the CSR is correct or if I'm going to have to fight with them.
Got letter yesterday, called this morning. My 722 is owned. The 522 will be leased (no charge) and the DVR fee will be waived. Guess only time will tell if the info given by the CSR is correct or if I'm going to have to fight with them.
Can anyone else confirm that they will waive the DVR fee and how to get it waived. I was advised by a CSR that they will not waive it.When you replace a 721 with a 522 because the company is phasing out the 721, they will waive the DVR Fee as well as the Phone Line Fee. You didn't have them before and will not have them in the future. Check your next bill or go online and look at future statements. If it is there, call them back. If they show up, it's because the CSR didn't use the proper promotion.
I really don't understand why they aren't upgrading these folks to MPEG4 receivers. They are just going to have to change them out again when they drop all the MPEG2 signals. What a waste of time.
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