Not if the replacement is considered a lease. Leased receivers cannot be deactivated without being returned.can it be activated and then when you get the new receiver deactivate it?
They don't actually owe us anything, legally. All devices have a reasonable lifetime, and electronics is a technology that is known to change rapidly.
Well they will get away with it since:
1. You can still keep your now worthless 721 for whatever you want to do with it
2. They are giving you a free equivalent box on loan. If you cancel service you have to return the box, but you still have your 721 in your posession. If you cancel service your 721 would not have worked anyways.
3. If you tried to sell your 721 they would not have activated it anyways for the buyer.
So, how can you show harm? You still have your box, you are still able to watch/record your Dish service at the same price you have now. It is not going to be anything you will be able to win in court.
Just received this in the mail today. I'm guessing this is the letter addressing the 721 replacement?? It doesn't state its for the 721 but I'm sure it is. Can anyone confirm??
Well they will get away with it since:
1. You can still keep your now worthless 721 for whatever you want to do with it
2. They are giving you a free equivalent box on loan. If you cancel service you have to return the box, but you still have your 721 in your posession. If you cancel service your 721 would not have worked anyways.
3. If you tried to sell your 721 they would not have activated it anyways for the buyer.
So, how can you show harm? You still have your box, you are still able to watch/record your Dish service at the same price you have now. It is not going to be anything you will be able to win in court.
They might still activate it because most SD channels are still mpeg2. Also Dish just did a software update for the 3000 back on 10/08/07Wonder what Dish would say if I wanted to reactivate my 3000?
They might still activate it because most SD channels are still mpeg2. Also Dish just did a software update for the 3000 back on 10/08/07.
The 3000 was my first receiver back in 96. Very slow compaired to the modern ones but I never had any problems with it.
EDIT: Thought I would add the link
Tech : Current Software
Until they finally turn off ALL mpeg2 channels they will not be obsolete.Just more proof that these receivers are not obsolete (especially the link showing how recent all the software has been updated). As of today, dish has not changed how they are sending the signal and all of these receivers work. They are the ones at fault with this whole issue and should not penalize us.
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